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(Alumni Association of Indonesian Olympiad in Informatics) - Ikatan Alumni TOKI. Skip to content. HTML 1 0 0 1 Updated Aug 21, 2020. Apio-2020-testcases APIO 2020 Test Cases 0 1 0 0 Updated Aug 21, 2020. Toki-assets 0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 25, 2020. Osn-game Games of OSN Informatika. The second of the four Hokuto brothers, Toki is a pacifist who seeks to use Hokuto Shinken as a healing art, Toki's self-made technique Hokuto Ujō Ken (North Star Humane Fist) is an art adept at both healing and destroying. When he kills someone with his style, his adversaries actually die while feeling great euphoria and pleasure instead of horrifying pain. According to Ken, Toki had the.

  1. Toki 1 1 0 3
  2. Toki 1 1 0 Ml
  3. Toki 1 1 0 1

Tiki-Toki has everything an aspiring timeline creator could possibly need. In addition to the basics such as support for BC, extensive date formatting options and built in search and filtering, Tiki-Toki comes with no less than four different view types (including the Category Band view - see the timeline to the left).

Hi all!

I'm happy to announce that today, the changes proposed in the reform RFC havebeen released to as tokio 0.1.

The primary changes are:

  • Add a default global event loop, eliminating the need for setting up andmanaging your own event loop in the vast majority of cases.

  • Decouple all task execution functionality from Tokio.

The new global event loop

Up until today, creating an event loop was a manual process. Even though thevast majority of Tokio users would setup the reactor to do the same thing,everyone had to do it each time. This was partially due to the fact that therewas a significant difference between running code on the Tokio reactor's threador from another thread (like a thread pool).

The key insight that allowed for the Tokio reform changes is that the Tokioreactor doesn't actually have to be an executor. In other words, prior to thesechanges, the Tokio reactor would both power I/O resources and manageexecuting user submitted tasks.

Now, Tokio provides a reactor to drive I/O resources (like TcpStream andUdpSocket) separately from the task executor. This means that it is easy tocreate Tokio-backed networking types from any thread, making it easy to createeither single or multi threaded Tokio-backed apps.

For task execution, Tokio provides the current_thread executor, whichbehaves similarly to how the built-in tokio-core executor did. The plan is toeventually move this executor into the futures crate, but for now it isprovided directly by Tokio.

The road to 0.2

The Tokio reform changes have been released as 0.1. Dependencies (tokio-io,futures, mio, etc..) have not had their versions incremented. Thisallows the tokio crate to be released with minimal ecosystem disruption.

The plan is to let the changes made in this release get some usage beforecommitting to them. Any fixes that require breaking changes will be able to bedone at the same time as the release to all the other crates. The goal is forthis to happen in 6-8 weeks. So please try out the changes released today andprovide feedback.

Rapid iteration

This is just the beginning. Tokio has ambitious goals to provide additionalfunctionality to get a great 'out of the box' experience building asynchronousI/O applications in Rust.

In order to reach these goals as fast as possible without causing unnecessaryecosystem disruption, we will be taking a few steps.

First, similarly to the futures 0.2 release, the tokio crate will betransitioned to be more of a facade. Traits and types will be broken up into anumber of sub crates and re-exported by tokio. Application authors will beable to depend directly on tokio while library authors will pick and choosethe specific Tokio components that they wish to use as part of their libraries.

Each sub crate will clearly indicate its stability level. Obviously, there is anupcoming breaking change with the futures 0.2 release, but after that,fundamental building blocks will aim to remain stable for at least a year. Mathtype 7 4 3 x 4. Moreexperimental crates will reserve the right to issue breaking changes at aquicker pace.

This means that the tokio crate itself will be able to iterate at a fasterpace while the library ecosystem remains stable.

Toki 1 1 0 3

The pre 0.2 period will also be a period of experimentation. Additionalfunctionality will be added to Tokio in an experimental capacity. Before an 0.2release, an RFC will be posted covering the functionality that we would like toinclude in that release.

Open question

One remaining question is what to do about tokio-proto. It was released aspart of the initial Tokio release. Since then, the focus has shifted and thatcrate has not received enough attention.

I posted an issue to discuss what to do with that cratehere


Looking Forward

Please try out the changes released today. Again, the next couple of months area period of experimentation before we commit on the next release. So, now is thetime to try things out and provide feedback.

During this time, we'll be integrating this work to build out higher-levelprimitives in Tower, which is being driven by the production operational needsof the Conduit project.

  • Tokio Reform is Shipped and the Road to 0.2

We are very excited to announce Tokio 0.2. This is a ground up rework of Tokiobased on async / await and experience gained over the past three years.

Add the following to Cargo.toml:

This is a major update, and as such there are changes to almost all parts of thelibrary. To highlight a few:

  • Based on async / await for superior ergonomics.

  • A brand new, much faster, scheduler.

  • Focus on making the Tokio dependency as lightweight as possible.

async / await

If you have used Tokio to date, then you are familiar with the 'old' way ofwriting asynchronous Rust.. it was not fun. Most ended up writing statemachines by hand. Receipts 1 9 2 – smart document collection center. This was cumbersome and error prone.

As of Rust 1.39, the async / await is available on the stable channel andTokio 0.2 takes full advantage of it. Whenever possible, Tokio provides anasync fn based API, usually modeled after std.

For example, accepting sockets from a TcpListener is done with the asyncaccept function:

I/O operations are provided as async functions:

The same applies to the rest of the Tokio API surface.

Starting the Tokio runtime

Setting the entry point of a Tokio application can now be done with a procmacro:

This starts up the Tokio runtime and all necessary infrastructure to power theapplication.

A new scheduler

The new Tokio comes with a scheduler that was built from the ground up to takeadvantage of the new asynchronous task system. It is based on the experiencegained from Tokio 0.1 as well as all the hard work put into other ecosystemslike Go, Erlang, Java, and others.

There are still improvements to make, but initial testing using Hyper shows a30+% speed up in macro level benchmarks between the old scheduler and the newscheduler.

Macclean360 4 5 – clean up junk on your mac. You can read more about it here.

Since it landed on master, some Tokio users have been experimenting with the newscheduler and have seen some very impressive real world improvements in theirapplications. Hopefully they will blog about them soon!

A lightweight Tokio dependency

One of the biggest complaints users have about Tokio to date is the weight ofthe depenedency. Adding a dependency on Tokio has historically added a largenumber of transitive dependencies and added time spent compiling.

For example, a 'hello world' Tokio 0.1 application on my laptop would pull in 43crates and take 50 seconds to compile (not counting time spent downloading thedependencies).

Tokio addresses this issue on two fronts. First, most Tokio components have beencollapsed into a single crate: tokio and transitive dependencies were prunedaggressively. Second, Tokio components have been made opt-in using featureflags instead of always on. Simply pulling in the tokio dependency will onlyget you a few traits.

To get started with Tokio 0.2, you will need to request feature flags. A fullfeature flag includes everything and is an easy way to get started:

On my laptop, this reduces the total number of crates to 23. Compile time onlydrops to 40 seconds.

Real benefits start happening when the user of Tokio starts only requesting thecomponents that are needed to run the application. To run the TCP echo serverexample, the io-util, rt-threaded, and tcp feature flags are needed. Now,Tokio pulls in 13 crates and compiling takes 13 seconds.

There is more work to be done on pruning dependencies. Mio 0.7, which prunesfurther dependencies, is not included with Tokio 0.2. Tokio 0.3 will include Mio0.7.


Of course, none of this would be possible without our amazing team andcontributors who worked on this release. Many individuals submitted PRs rangingfrom doc fixes to migrating entire crates to std::future::Future. Some names Iwant to call out, in no particular order:

A pre-emptive thanks to all those working on Mio 0.7, which sadly didn't makethe cut for this release, but will happen soon!

And a big thanks to Buoyant, the makers of Linkerd(the proxy is written inRust), who sponsored most of the work.

A Roadmap to 1.0

All that being said, we are shipping version 0.2. The question of 'why not 1.0?'has come up a few times. After all, Tokio 0.1 has been stable for three years.The short answer: because it isn't time. There is nobody who would rather ship aTokio 1.0 than us. It also isn't something to rush.

After all, async / await only landed in the stable Rust channel weeks ago.There has been no significant production validation yet, except maybe fuchsiaand that seems like a fairly specialized use case. This release of Tokioincludes significant new code and new strategies with feature flags. Also, thereare still big open questions, such as the proposed changes toAsyncRead and AsyncWrite.

Tokio 1.0 will be released as soon as the APIs are proven to handle real-worldproduction cases.

Tokio 1.0 in Q3 2020 with LTS support

The Tokio 1.0 release will be no later than Q3 2020. It will also come with'long-term support' guarantees:

  • A minimum of 5 years of maintenance.
  • A minimum of 3 years before a hypothetical 2.0 release.

When Tokio 1.0 is released in Q3 2020, on-going support, security fixes, andcritical bug fixes are guaranteed until at least Q3 2025. Tokio 2.0 will notbe released until at least Q3 2023 (though, ideally there will never been aTokio 2.0 release).

How to get there

While Tokio 0.1 probably should have been a 1.0, Tokio 0.2 will be a true0.2 release. There will breaking change releases every 2 ~ 3 months until 1.0.These changes will be much smaller than going from 0.1 -> 0.2. It isexpected that the 1.0 release will look a lot like 0.2.

What is expected to change

Toki 1 1 0 Ml

The biggest change will be the AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits. Based onexperience gained over the past 3 years, there are a couple of issues toaddress:

  • Be able to safely use uninitialized memory as a read buffer.
  • Practical read vectored and write vectored APIs.

There are a few strategies to solve these problems. These strategies need to beinvestigated and the solution validated. You can see thiscomment for a detailed statement of the problem.

The other major change, which has been in the works for a while, is updatingMio. Mio 0.6 was first released almost 4 years ago and has not had a breakingchange since. Mio 0.7 has been in the works for a while. It includes a fullrewrite of the windows support as well as a refined API. More will be writtenabout this shortly.

Toki 1 1 0 3

Looking Forward

Please try out the changes released today. Again, the next couple of months area period of experimentation before we commit on the next release. So, now is thetime to try things out and provide feedback.

During this time, we'll be integrating this work to build out higher-levelprimitives in Tower, which is being driven by the production operational needsof the Conduit project.

  • Tokio Reform is Shipped and the Road to 0.2

We are very excited to announce Tokio 0.2. This is a ground up rework of Tokiobased on async / await and experience gained over the past three years.

Add the following to Cargo.toml:

This is a major update, and as such there are changes to almost all parts of thelibrary. To highlight a few:

  • Based on async / await for superior ergonomics.

  • A brand new, much faster, scheduler.

  • Focus on making the Tokio dependency as lightweight as possible.

async / await

If you have used Tokio to date, then you are familiar with the 'old' way ofwriting asynchronous Rust.. it was not fun. Most ended up writing statemachines by hand. Receipts 1 9 2 – smart document collection center. This was cumbersome and error prone.

As of Rust 1.39, the async / await is available on the stable channel andTokio 0.2 takes full advantage of it. Whenever possible, Tokio provides anasync fn based API, usually modeled after std.

For example, accepting sockets from a TcpListener is done with the asyncaccept function:

I/O operations are provided as async functions:

The same applies to the rest of the Tokio API surface.

Starting the Tokio runtime

Setting the entry point of a Tokio application can now be done with a procmacro:

This starts up the Tokio runtime and all necessary infrastructure to power theapplication.

A new scheduler

The new Tokio comes with a scheduler that was built from the ground up to takeadvantage of the new asynchronous task system. It is based on the experiencegained from Tokio 0.1 as well as all the hard work put into other ecosystemslike Go, Erlang, Java, and others.

There are still improvements to make, but initial testing using Hyper shows a30+% speed up in macro level benchmarks between the old scheduler and the newscheduler.

Macclean360 4 5 – clean up junk on your mac. You can read more about it here.

Since it landed on master, some Tokio users have been experimenting with the newscheduler and have seen some very impressive real world improvements in theirapplications. Hopefully they will blog about them soon!

A lightweight Tokio dependency

One of the biggest complaints users have about Tokio to date is the weight ofthe depenedency. Adding a dependency on Tokio has historically added a largenumber of transitive dependencies and added time spent compiling.

For example, a 'hello world' Tokio 0.1 application on my laptop would pull in 43crates and take 50 seconds to compile (not counting time spent downloading thedependencies).

Tokio addresses this issue on two fronts. First, most Tokio components have beencollapsed into a single crate: tokio and transitive dependencies were prunedaggressively. Second, Tokio components have been made opt-in using featureflags instead of always on. Simply pulling in the tokio dependency will onlyget you a few traits.

To get started with Tokio 0.2, you will need to request feature flags. A fullfeature flag includes everything and is an easy way to get started:

On my laptop, this reduces the total number of crates to 23. Compile time onlydrops to 40 seconds.

Real benefits start happening when the user of Tokio starts only requesting thecomponents that are needed to run the application. To run the TCP echo serverexample, the io-util, rt-threaded, and tcp feature flags are needed. Now,Tokio pulls in 13 crates and compiling takes 13 seconds.

There is more work to be done on pruning dependencies. Mio 0.7, which prunesfurther dependencies, is not included with Tokio 0.2. Tokio 0.3 will include Mio0.7.


Of course, none of this would be possible without our amazing team andcontributors who worked on this release. Many individuals submitted PRs rangingfrom doc fixes to migrating entire crates to std::future::Future. Some names Iwant to call out, in no particular order:

A pre-emptive thanks to all those working on Mio 0.7, which sadly didn't makethe cut for this release, but will happen soon!

And a big thanks to Buoyant, the makers of Linkerd(the proxy is written inRust), who sponsored most of the work.

A Roadmap to 1.0

All that being said, we are shipping version 0.2. The question of 'why not 1.0?'has come up a few times. After all, Tokio 0.1 has been stable for three years.The short answer: because it isn't time. There is nobody who would rather ship aTokio 1.0 than us. It also isn't something to rush.

After all, async / await only landed in the stable Rust channel weeks ago.There has been no significant production validation yet, except maybe fuchsiaand that seems like a fairly specialized use case. This release of Tokioincludes significant new code and new strategies with feature flags. Also, thereare still big open questions, such as the proposed changes toAsyncRead and AsyncWrite.

Tokio 1.0 will be released as soon as the APIs are proven to handle real-worldproduction cases.

Tokio 1.0 in Q3 2020 with LTS support

The Tokio 1.0 release will be no later than Q3 2020. It will also come with'long-term support' guarantees:

  • A minimum of 5 years of maintenance.
  • A minimum of 3 years before a hypothetical 2.0 release.

When Tokio 1.0 is released in Q3 2020, on-going support, security fixes, andcritical bug fixes are guaranteed until at least Q3 2025. Tokio 2.0 will notbe released until at least Q3 2023 (though, ideally there will never been aTokio 2.0 release).

How to get there

While Tokio 0.1 probably should have been a 1.0, Tokio 0.2 will be a true0.2 release. There will breaking change releases every 2 ~ 3 months until 1.0.These changes will be much smaller than going from 0.1 -> 0.2. It isexpected that the 1.0 release will look a lot like 0.2.

What is expected to change

Toki 1 1 0 Ml

The biggest change will be the AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits. Based onexperience gained over the past 3 years, there are a couple of issues toaddress:

  • Be able to safely use uninitialized memory as a read buffer.
  • Practical read vectored and write vectored APIs.

There are a few strategies to solve these problems. These strategies need to beinvestigated and the solution validated. You can see thiscomment for a detailed statement of the problem.

The other major change, which has been in the works for a while, is updatingMio. Mio 0.6 was first released almost 4 years ago and has not had a breakingchange since. Mio 0.7 has been in the works for a while. It includes a fullrewrite of the windows support as well as a refined API. More will be writtenabout this shortly.

Finally, now that the API is starting to stabilize, effort will be put intodocumentation. Tokio 0.2 is being released before updating the website and manyof the old content will no longer be relevant. In the coming weeks, expect tosee updates there.

Toki 1 1 0 1

So, we have our work cut out for us. We hope you enjoy this 0.2 release and arelooking forward to your feedback and help.

  • Announcing Tokio 0.2 and a Roadmap to 1.0

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